Performance Gains
A number of improvements have been made which will improve end-user experience and reduce wait times for commonly performed processes. The net result is an improved user experience and faster turnaround of Atria initiated changes.
Multi-threading provisioning
We've brought back multi-threading to provisioning in 15.2, this means large request volumes from one customer will not cause as much delay in provisioning. You can adjust configuration for individual provisioning engines as needed.
Provisioning Optimizations
An issue was found where provisioning rules were not being cached after being compiled, this causes every provisioning request to require more processing time. This has been optimized and individual provisioning times have reduced significantly.
Atria UI Performance
We have made caching adjustments to the UI which have boosted responsiveness, page load times are reduced.
Delay in Edit User Control
In some scenarios the feature added to retrieve the last authentication time from AD was slowing the load time of the edit user control. This has been optimised and caching introduced to speed load times and remove redundant calls.