Atria - Release 15.14 Generally Available
Our latest release, 15.14 is now generally available! This release is focused on improving our Self Password Reset Capabilities.
Security questions are out, Recovery emails are in!
For more information on this, please see our page here - Self-Service Password Reset or contact our friendly support team.
announcement Additionally, from Atria 15.11 onwards we have enforced a requirement of running SQL Server 2016 or newer. Please log a ticket with our support team if you have any questions or queries regarding this. This has been outlined in our system requirements since 15.0 -
New Feature Self Password Reset Improvements - Self Password Reset has been completely modernised and re-written. Please see our blog here or get in touch with our support team for a demo of this feature - Self-Service Password Reset & Email Validation (
improvement Job Runner Improvements - We've tweaked the initially installed Job Extensions to contain the most used extensions. For more information on the job runner, please see here -
improvement Service Billing Detailed Improvements - We've improved the Export to Excel Function to have added clarity regarding the "Added" field.
fix Dashboard Fixes - We've fixed an issue where in some timezones the Dashboard failed to load correctly.
fix Hosted Apps and Desktop Changes - We've identified various issues with Hosted Apps and Desktops since 15.12 which we suspect relates to a .NET upgrade change made in 15.12. We've now made changes to the service which should resolve many issues with the service. If you are continuing to have issues with Hosted Apps and Desktops after the upgrade please contact our support team.
fix Login Page Branding Improvements - We've made improvements to our Azure AD SSO Login page to have improved branding recognition when using a DMZ.
fix Hosted Exchange Mailbox Export Name Change - We've changed the generated Export name to clearly define what has been generated by the Atria System. Future Mailbox Exports are named Atria_{MailboxExportName}
fix User Impersonation iFrame changes - We've fixed an issue where sometimes the User Impersonation iFrame wouldn't expand correctly.
fix Microsoft Online - Group Management Fixes - We've fixed an issue in some scenarios where Groups were not displayed due to domain ownership.
fix Microsoft Online - Password Generation Improvements - We've made a change where in some scenarios the generated temporary Microsoft 365 password did not conform to the standard set in the sync policy.