Atria - Release 15.21 Generally Available
Hey There!
We've got a small release for this week - This introduces a new feature of 'Workspace Scoping' which enables you to scope lists to specific resellers, rather than being platform wide.
We've also got various enhancements throughout the platform.
New Features
New Feature Billing API - We've added a feature to be able to filter a location of the report. This means you can target a specific Environment to get data from, for example, a Remote Shared Environment.
New Feature Workspace Scoping - Added the ability on a Workspace List to selectively show which Resellers it will be present on, and if it should be inherited to children.
fix Service Schema Import - We've fixed an issue when importing service schema's on a fresh installation
fix Customer Move API - We've made changes to the Customer Move API to correctly move User Plans throughout the hierarchy
fix Logging Changes - We've made a change to no longer error on escape characters
fix Workspace Items - We've made a change for Workspace to recalculate OUs correctly, meaning OUs are created in the correct location.
fix Microsoft Online - We've made various changes to authentication to improve reliability
fix Spotlight Search - We've fixed an issue where clicking certain hyperlinks would redirect you to the wrong page
fix Workflow - We've fixed an issue where Workflow would apply for the first provision regardless of Manager/Group Approvals being in place.