Atria - Release 15.22 Generally Available
Hey there!
We've got a lot of changes this month - These changes are mostly quality of life improvements, while we are still making changes for the new UI.
HOTfix has been released - This fixes an issue with customer deprovisioning if the Workspace service is not enabled - Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
New Feature You can now correctly manage Mail Enabled Security groups within Azure AD. We are looking to have Azure AD Distribution Group management in release 15.23.
New Feature Sort Ordering - You can now configure an order for Item Types and and Items to be shown via the User Interface.
New Feature Workspace Items - UI Improvement for Roles when assigning to users, you can now expand a role to see what Items are included.
fix Workspace - Mail Enabled Security Groups cannot remove members - This issue has been resolved
Bug Fixes / General Enhancements
fix HostedApps plans get allocated incorrectly when reprovisioning a user
fix sp_BillItemsGet aborts after 30 secs in larger environments - The SQL Timeout is now correctly reading the config files.
fix Remove Customer Provisioning Key has invalid value - This rule has been resolved which should improve performance of customer provisioning.
fix Default First User Admin Role issue when provisioning the first user - This issue has been resolved
fix Bulk User Import - "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid - This error has been resolved
fix Authenticated Users getting removed at the root of the domain - This edge case has been resolved.
fix Bulk User Import - Passwords stored in Plain-Text - This has been removed and is now changing passwords to ***
fix Jobs does not show or execute entries if the Creating User no longer exists - This has been resolved
fix CustomerMove via API sets the wrong DestinationPackageTemplateId which causes circular reference after setting parentId incorrectly - This has been resolved
fix Customer move doesn't move HaaD offering relationship(s) - This has been resolved
fix Navigating between dashboard pages doesn't automatically reloads page - This has been resolved
fix Error Atria_Qmon_XXXXX is not in the right group reported after install of Atria - This has been resolved
fix Cannot remove a specific service related property to revert back to the inherited parent value - This has been resolved
fix Impersonate not working on a custom security role when only set to SubCustomers role permission - This issue has been resolved.
fix Password related Email notifications are set to SendOnce - This issue has been resolved
improvement Dashboard - Dashboard now supports dynamic SQL columns
improvement Config Service Data Storage and Performance - We have implemented a level of caching which should improve performance when making large bulk changes
Installer Changes
improvement Update-AtriaOutOfDateComponents has an error where the Atria.Tools module is not imported properly during the process - This issue has been resolved
Microsoft Online
fix Subscription Change Notification sends wrong value for quantity - This issue has been resolved
fix Subscription Notification sends resize email even if resize is not enabled - This issue has been resolved
fix MSOL Token expires after 90 days, regardless of use - This issue has been resolved
fix Email Forwarding settings cannot be changed for existing forward member - This issue has been resolved
fix Microsoft Online - Permissions missing for features within 'Advanced Features' - This issue has been resolved
fix Microsoft Online - F1 License incorrect service plan - This issue has been resolved